NOTICE is hereby given that the 77th Annual General Meeting of the members of the The Calcutta Stock Exchange Association Limited will be held at the Registered office of the Association at No.7, Lyons Range, Calcutta-700 001, on Tuesday, 26th September, 2000 at 4 P.M. to transact the following business :-
i) To consider and adopt the accounts of the Association for the financial year ended 31st March, 2000, the Balance Sheet as at that date and Reports of the Members of the Committee & Auditors thereon;
ii) To appoint Auditors for the year ended 31st march, 2001 and to fix their remuneration;
iii) To elect members of the Committee in places of those who retire by rotation;
To consider and, if thought fit, to pass with or without modifications, the following resolutions as special resolutions :
A. "RESOLVED THAT pursuant to Section 31 and other applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, if any, the Articles of Association of the The Calcutta Stock Exchange Association Limited be amended in the following manner :
a) A new Article 5(8) be added after the existing Article 5(7) :
5(8)(i) When a Company constituted by more than one member of the Exchange is admitted as a corporate member of the Exchange in place of such member or a corporate member of the Exchange acquires more than one share in accordance with and subject to fulfillment of all other applicable Bye-laws and Regulations of the Exchange including provisions relating to admission of new members, such a corporate 'member will be known as a Composite Corporate Member and the membership right(s) held by the Composite Corporate Member will be known as Component Membership/s.
(ii) A Composite Corporate Member shall fulfill all eligibility criteria for admission to membership and for contribution of membership as is applicable to corporate members of the Exchange and also such other criteria as the Exchange or Securities and Exchange Board of India may prescribe from time to time.
(iii) A Composite Corporate Member shall not hold more than such number of shares as may be decided by the Committee of the Exchange from time to time.
(iv) The Composite Members shall pay the entrance fee, admission fee, annual subscription and fees payable to SEBI and furnish membership security in respect of each component membership.
(v) The Composite Corporate member shall maintain the base minimum capital in respect of each Component Membership, in accordance with and subject to the other provisions of the Bye-laws and Regulations and such conditions as the Committee of the Exchange may from time to time stipulate.
(vi) The networth of the Composite Corporate member shall be computed in the manner prescribed by the Securities and Exchange Board of India and the Committee of the Exchange and no value shall be assigned to the Component Membership for computing the networth of the Composite Corporate Member.
(vii) The Composite Corporate Member shallhave only one trading right and only one representative member on the Committee or anyStanding Sub-Committee of the Exchange for all the Component Membership/s of the CompositeCorporate Member in accordance with the Bye-Laws and Regulations of the Exchange.
(viii) A Composite Corporate Member shall be entitled to have as many voting rights as the number of Component Memberships of the Composite Corporate Member at the meeting of the members of the Exchange.
(ix) A Composite Corporate Member may resign from the membership right associated with any of its Component Membership only after a period of two years from the date of the acquisition of that Component Membership by the Composite Corporate Member. All the liabilities, if any, relating to the Component Membership in respect of which the Composite Corporate Member has resigned will continue to be borne by Composite Corporate Member.
(x) If a Composite Corporate Member desires to resign from its Component Membership/s, the Composite Corporate Member may, in accordance with and subject to the other provisions of Bye-laws and Regulations and such conditions as the Committee of the Exchange may from time to time stipulate and the Composite Corporate Member may continue in respect of the remaining Component Membership/s, if any.
(xi) The Composite Corporate Member shall maintain only one set of books of account for all the Component Memberships.
(xii) Any action by the Securities and Exchange Board of India, the Exchange or any Committee of the Exchange or official of the Exchange against the Composite Corporate Member whether by way of censure, warning, fine, suspension, expulsion, default or withdrawal, suspension or limitation of membership rights or otherwise shall operate against all the Component Memberships of the Composite Corporate Member.
Clarification : Without prejudice to the generality of clause (xii) it is clarified that on declaration of default or expulsion of a Composite Corporate Member for any reason whatsoever, the Composite Corporate Member shall cease to be a member of the Exchange in respect of all its Component Memberships.
(xiii) If a Composite Corporate Member is disentitled to or disqualified from continuing as a member of the Exchange for any reason, the Composite Corporate Member shall cease to be a member of the Exchange in respect of all the Component Memberships.
(xiv) A Composite Corporate Member shall also be entitled to all other rights or privileges and shall be liable to pay any amount to the Exchange or discharge liability or obligation to the Exchange as now applicable/available to an ordinary member notwithstanding non- stipulation of the same in the Bye-laws and Regulations of the Exchange, subject however that such rights, privileges, obligations and liabilities to a Composite Corporate Member shall be in proportion to its Component Memberships.
(b) The existing Articles 25A(e) and 25A(ee) be deleted and the existing Article 25A(f), 25A(g) and 25A(h) be renumbered as 25A(e), 25A(f) and 25A(g) respectively.
(c) The first four lines at the beginning of the Article 29 be deleted and in place the following be substituted :
The Committee shall have absolute power to expel or suspend any member or any authorised assistant or impose fine as may be deemed fit upon any member or any authorised assistant in any of the event following:
(d) The existing Article 45 be deleted and in place the following be substituted as Article 45:
45. "The Committee shall not register any transfer of shares to any person other than a member or a candidate for membership who has been duly elected as eligible for membership under the provision of Article 5 hereof and has paid the full amount of any entrance fee/charges and/or such other sum as may be prescribed by the Committee from to time and the Committee may refuse to register any transfer of shares to an existing member or may impose such conditions in respect of any such transfer as they may see fit."
(e) In the first para of Article 100(13) the following sentence "and/or in first debentures or cumulative redeemable preference shares of Joint Stock Companies" be substituted with the following sentence.
"And/or in any other form or mode of investment or deposit as may be prescribed under the Income Tax Act, 1961, and/or Indian Trust Amendment Act, 1908 and 1916 and/or in gilt edged funds and/or..."
(f) The existing Article 101(1)(a)(ii) and 101(1)(a)(iii) be deleted and in place the following be substituted as Article 101 (1)(a)(ii) :
101(1)(a)(ii) The Arbitration Sub-Committee shall consist of such members not having less than three and not having more than five as the Committee may from time to time determine, in addition to the President or in his absence the Vice-President and the Executive Director who are ex-officio members thereof by virtue of the provisions of the Articles. The Arbitration Sub-Committee may in its sole discretion appoint a Sole Arbitrator or three or more Arbitrators constituting the Arbitral Tribunal provided however that the number of Arbitrators constituting the Arbitral Tribunal shall always not be an even number.
"FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Committee of the Exchange be authorised to amend the aforesaid Articles as per approval received from SEBI."
B. Special Resolution under Section 81(1A) of The Companies Act, 1956
"RESOLVED THAT pursuant to Section 81(1A) and all other applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 and subject to such compliance of eligibility criteria for membership of the Association as per Articles, Bye-laws and Regulations of the Exchange and relevant SEBI guidelines and such other conditions as may be laid down under any other law, rules, regulations and guidelines in this behalf, consent of the Association be and is hereby accorded to the Committee to offer, issue and allot all or any of the balance 12 unissued shares of Rs. 250/- each in the Share Capital of the Association at a time or from time to time to such person or financial institutions and other bodies corporate including subsidiaries of Regional Stock Exchanges and on such terms and conditions including issuing such shares at such amount per share as the Committee of the Exchange, may think fit and proper from time to time notwithstanding that such person or persons are on the date of offer, issue or allotment members of the Stock Exchange or not."
Calcutta , Dated 2nd September, 2000 P.K.Ray, Secretary
The Calcutta Stock Exchange Association Ltd
7, Lyons Range , Calcutta - 700 001
1. The relative explanatory statement is pursuant to Section 173 of the Companies Act, 1956 requiring special business are annexed hereto.
2. The Register of members and share transfer books of the Association will remain closed from 25th September, 2000 to 26th September, 2000 (both days inclusive).
3. Annexures to Notice
The Explanatory Statement required section 173 of the Companies Act, 1956 for Special Business:
Item No. A
The Exchange has been examining to amend its Articles of Association for facilitating bringing the same in tune with the existing guidelines and statutory modifications as on date. Accordingly, various amendments to the Articles of Association have been proposed in the Resolution which are considered necessary and expedient for inter alia the following reasons:
Amendment No. (a)
The facility of Composite Corporate Membership was not provided for in the existing Articles of Association of the Exchange. It is, therefore, considered necessary, fit and expedient that comprehensive amendments to the Articles be made so that such facility is included and represented in the Articles of Association of the Exchange.
Amendment No. (b)
Existing Articles 25A(e) and 25A(ee) in the Articles of Association of the Exchange have become redundant in view of omission of Rule 8(4A) of the SCR Rules by Notification No. 2/3/SE-93 dated 13th October, 1994. Accordingly the said Articles are proposed to be deleted from the Articles of Association of the Exchange and the Other Articles renumbered as a consequence thereto.
Amendment No.(c)
The Securities and Exchange Board of India vide its letter No.SMD/COMP/CSE/10380/2000 dated June 28, 2000 suggested for amending the Articles of Association of the Exchange to remove the cap of Rs. 25,000/- on penalty. Hence the said amendment to the Article is proposed.
Amendment No. (d)
The said amendment is proposed to bring the said Article in tune with the applicable provisions and other Articles of the Exchange for correct and harmonious interpretation of the existing Articles without any ambiguity.
Amendment No. (e)
The said amendment is proposed to bring the said Article in tune with the provisions of Section 11 of Income Tax Act, 1961 and also to widen the scope of investment of the funds of the Association not immediately required.
Amendment No. (f)
The proposed amendment is necessitated in view of the new Act i.e., Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996 and to facilitate the existing Arbitration Rules applicable to the Exchange.
None of the elected Members of the Committee, SEBI Nominees and Public Representative Members in the Committee are interested in the resolution except to the extent they are Committee Members of the Exchange.
Item No. B
At present the authorised share capital of the Stock Exchange is 1200 ordinary shares of Rs. 250/- each out of which 1188 ordinary shares are issued and paid up. In the recent past membership has been given to a few Regional Stock Exchanges and, several other Regional Stock Exchanges have evinced their interest in taking up membership of this Exchange. In the aforesaid view of the matter the Committee proposes to issue 12 unissued shares of Rs. 250/- each at such amount as the Committee may think fit and proper from time to time. In terms of section 81 (IA) of the Companies Act, 1956 a Special Resolution is required to be passed by the members of the Stock Exchange for issuing the shares to any person or bodies corporate including the subsidiaries of Regional Stock Exchanges and also including the existing members of the Stock Exchange who fulfill the eligibility criteria for membership of the Stock Exchange as per its Articles, Bye-laws and Regulations and relevant SEBI guidelines.
None of the elected Members of the Committee, SEBI Nominees and Public Representative Members in the Committee are interested in the resolution except to the extent they are Committee Members of the Exchange.
By order of the Committee
Calcutta P.K.Ray
Dated 2nd September, 2000 Secretary
The Calcutta Stock Exchange Association Ltd.
7, Lyons Range, Calcutta-700 001
We have audited the annexed Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2000 and also the annexed Income and Expenditure account for the year ended on that date of THE CALCUTTA STOCK EXCHANGE ASSOCIATION LIMITED and we report that :
1. We have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purpose of our audit.
2. In our opinion proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the Association so far as appears from our examination of the books of account.
3. The Balance Sheet and the Income and Expenditure Account referred to above are in agreement with the books of account and comply with Accounting Standards referred in sub-section (3C) of Section 211 of the Companies Act.
4. In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the accounts read with Significant Accounting Policies and Notes in Schedule 'G' are in particular.
Give the information required by the Companies Act, 1956 in the manner so required and give a true and fair view.
a) In the case of the Balance Sheet of the state of the affairs of the Association as on 31st March, 2000 and
b) In the case of the Income and Expenditure Account of the excess of the Income over Expenditure for the Year ended on that date.
As required by the Manufacturing and other Companies (Auditor's Report) Order, 1988 issued by the Government of India and on the basis of such checks as were considered appropriate. We further report that :
1. Fixed Assets Register has been maintained to keep details of Fixed Assets. Management has physically verified the assets and no major discrepancy was reported to us.
2. The Fixed Assets have not been revalued during the year.
3. The only parties to whom loans and advances in the nature of loans have been given by the Association are the employees and they are repaying the principal amount as stipulated.
4. The Association has adequate internal control procedure commensurate with the size and the nature of its activities for the purchase of material, equipments and other assets and sale of materials.
5. The Association has appointed firms of Chartered Accountants to do the internal audit periodically. The internal audit system is commensurate with the size and nature of the business of the Association.
6. The Association is regular in depositing Provident Fund dues with the appropriate authority.
7. As explained to us, there are no amounts outstanding as on 31st March, 2000 in respect of undisputed Income Tax etc. for a period of more than six months from the date they become payable.
8. According to the information and explanations given to us, no personal expenses of employees or directors have been charged to revenue account, other than those payable under contractual obligations or in accordance with generally accepted business practice.
Other clauses of the aforesaid Order are not applicable to the Association.
Dated the 2nd September, 2000 For S. S. Kothari & Association
India Steamship House Chartered Accountants
21 Old Court House Street, Calcutta 700 001 P. K. Bhattacharya
Figures for the Figures for the
previous year current year
as on as on
31.03.1999 L I A B I L I T I E S 31.03.2000
Rs Rs.
Share Capital :
297,000 (As per Schedule "A") 297,000
Reserves & Surplus :
823,287,808 (As per Schedule "B") 1,442,289,348
Current Liabilities & Provisions :
2,555,624,417 (As per Schedule "C") 5,825,190,915
_____________ ____________
3,379,209,225 7,267,777,262
as on 31st March, 2000
Figures for the Figures for the
previous year current year
as on as on
31.03.1999 A S S E T S 31.03.2000
Rs. Rs.
Fixed Assets :
1,02,209,194 (As per Schedule "D") 99,059,189
11,028,851 Capital Work-in-Progress (Derivative) 656,774
113,238,045 99,715,963
Investments :
2,418,522 ( As per Schedule "E") ... 2,436,424
Current Assets, Loans & Advances :
3,263,552,658 ( As per Schedule "F") 7,165,624,875
____________ ____________
3,379,209,225 7,267,777,262
Figures for the Figures for the
previous year ended current year ended
31.03.1999 E X P E N D I T U R E 31.03.2000
Rs. Rs.
18,223,346 To Establishment 17,912,722
3,077,204 " Staff Welfare 2,401,540
1,219,012 " Contribution to Provident & Other Funds 1,292,345
1,822,231 " Gratuity 1,630,743
2,667,516 " Provision for Leave Encashment ... 302,307
5,150,929 " Rent and Other Expenses ... 8,209,191
5,017,155 " Electric Charges ... 5,597,932
285,823 " Taxes & Licenses ... 205,920
269,586 " Insurance ... 269,536
737,235 " Stamp, Stationary & Printing 838,982
1,123,030 " Telephone Charges ... 1,260,794
2,862,071 " Travelling & Conveyance ... 1,751,303
77,120 " Motor Car Expenses 63,274
2,431,022 &nb
for the year ended 31st March, 2000
The Committee has pleasure in placing before you the 77th Annual Report together with the Audited Statement of Accounts for the year ended the 31st March, 2000.
1. Financial Results
Rupees In Lacs
2000 1999
(a) Surplus before Depreciation ... ... 1,433.30 628.44
(b) Depreciation ... ... 438.11 580.45
_______ ______
(c) Surplus of Income over Expenditure before tax ... ... 995.19 47.99
Add :
(d) Surplus brought forward from previous year ... ... 84.45 687.12
(e) Transfer from General Reserve ... ... 300.00 _
(f) Application of Funds for Investors' Services ... ... 69.24 73.34
_______ ______
1,448.88 808.45
(g) Reserve for Establishment of Centre for Training,
Statistical Information and Setting up a Library ... ... 1,325.00 650.00
(h) Investors' Service Fund ... ... 106.10 73.99
(i) Retained Surplus carried forward to the
following year ... ... 17.78 84.46
_______ ______
1,448.88 808.45
During the year under review, the net Surplus of Income over Expenditure, after providing for Depreciation, has increased to Rs. 995.19 lacs, as against the preceding year's corresponding Surplus of only Rs. 47.99 lacs. The increase is mainly due to (i) income from CSTAR, amounting to Rs. 872.02 lacs, (ii) interest on investment, amounting to Rs. 379.98 lacs, and (iii) miscellaneous receipts, amounting to Rs.263.45 lacs.
2. Technology & Infrastructure :
C-STAR (CSE Screen Based Trading & Reporting System) is presently working with connectivity through LAN, as well as WAN, through VSAT's and Routers & Modems. During the year under review, the LAN connectivity was expanded to cover further 14 buildings in the vicinity of the existing LAN at an approximate cost of RS. 140 lacs. The Exchange spent an amount of Rs. 70 lacs for the development of CSTAR settlement and data backup system.
3. Settlement System :
a) Clearing House :
The Clearing House of the Exchange is working satisfactorily. Both "A" Group and "B" Group shares, which are not in compulsory demat, are delivered in physical form through the Clearing House, in the Trading Hall of the Exchange.
b) Demat :
The volume of deliveries in the Demat Segment has increased during the year under review due to inclusion of a larger number of companies in compulsory Demat segment. All demat deliveries are currently being settled through the clearing house interface of the Exchange with National Securities Depository Ltd. (NSDL). The connectivity between the Exchange and Central Depository Services Ltd. (CDSL) commenced during the year under review.
4. Customer Protection Fund & Investors' Service Cell :
During this year, The Exchange has contributed a sum of Rs. 2,08,66,936/- to the Customer Protection Fund, being Rs. 5,30,541/- towards 1% of the Listing Fee collected during the year by the Exchange, and Rs. 13,82,874/- being 50% of Interest earned on Investment of Deposit made by the Companies under Clause-42 of Listing Agreement, and Rs. 1,89,53,521/- being the Surplus arising on auctioning in respect of securities short delivered by the members.
In order to render services to investors, e.g. publication of Official Report & Quotation, conducting training classes, attending investor complaints etc. the Exchange has spent an amount of Rs. 69,24,517/- during the year under review.
5. Construction of a proposed Stock Exchange complex on the Eastern Metropolitan Bypass :
As already reported last year the Exchange had paid an advance of Rs. 8.80 Crores in the year 1995-96 towards lease premium for approximately 10 acres of land near Science City on E. M. Bypass, as per letter of allotment received from the Calcutta Municipal Corporation. The initial lease would be for 33 years and would be renewable for 2 further periods of 33 years each. The Exchange has received Draft Lease Agreement from the Calcutta Municipal Corporation and the said Draft Agreement will be executed after receiving necessary approval from concerned authorities. The Exchange had obtained possession of land and erected temporary boundary wall in the previous year. However, the conveyance of the land is yet to be executed. It is expected on the basis of recent discussions that the conveyance will be executed shortly.
6. Active Users :
During the year the number of active users of the C-STAR trading system increased to 861 from about 500 at the beginning of the year. Currently the number of users stand at more than 1000.
7. Committee :
Under the Articles of Association, the following members of the committee will retire by rotation :-
Sri S. K. Jalan Sri S. C. Jhunjhunwala Sri M. Agarwal
Among the aforesaid retiring members, Sri S. C. Jhunjhunwala and Sri M. Agarwal are eligible to offer themselves for re-election. Sri S. K. Jalan, being in office for two consecutive terms is not eligible for re-election, in terms of Article 83 (C) of the Articles of Association of this Exchange.
During the year under review, Dr. B. Banerjee, Sri D. Chatterji, Sri B. K. Basu, Sri K. K. Dhar, Sri R. Maheshwari and Sri B. G. Daga were nominated by SEBI on the committee of this Exchange as public representatives for the year 1999-2000 under Article 81(d), read with Article 82(c) of the Articles of Association. They will continue as public representatives till new nominations are received from SEBI for appointment / re-appointment in their places.
8. Appointment of Auditors :
Under Article 113 of the Articles of Association, the Auditors M/s. S. S. Kothari & Associates retire but being eligible offer themselves for re-appointment.
9. Personnel :
The Committee wishes to place on record its appreciation of the services rendered by the Officers and Staff of the Exchange.
10. Particulars of Employees under Sec. 217(2A) of the Companies Act 1956 :
None of the employees' are in receipt of remuneration requiring disclosure pursuant to the provision of Section 217 (2A) of the Companies Act, 1956 read with the Companies (Particulars of Employees) Rules, 1975, hence, no such particulars are annexed.
By order of the Committee
P.K.Ray Sri J. M. Choudhary
Secretary Sri S. K. Jalan
Dated 2nd September, 2000 Members of the Committee
( Annexed to and forming part of the Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 2000 )
As on As on
P a r t i c u l a r s 31.03.2000 31.03.1999
Rs. Rs.
Authorised :
1,200 Ordinary Shares of Rs. 250/- each. 300,000 300,000
Issued :
1,188 Ordinary Shares (Previous Year 1,188 Nos.) of Rs. 250/- each 297,000 297,000
Subscribed & Paid up :
1. Originally issued as fully paid for other than cash :
852 Shares of Rs. 250/- each ; of the above 852 Shares,
298 Shares (previous year 297 shares) were forfeited and
292 Shares (previous year 287 shares) were re-issued.
Hence 846 Shares (previous year 842 shares) of Rs. 250/- each. 211,500 210,500
2. Issued as fully paid up for cash :
336 Shares of Rs. 250/- each ; of the above 336 Shares, 29 Shares
were forfeited and 26 Shares (previous year 25 shares) were re-issued.
Hence 333 Shares (previous year 332 shares) of Rs. 250/- each. 83,250 83,000
Forfeited Shares :
9 shares (previous year 14 shares) of Rs. 250/- each. 2,250 3,500
________ _______ 297,000 297,000
Dated the 2nd September, 2000 For S. S. Kothari & Associates
India Steamship House Chartered Accountants
21, Old Court House Street, Calcutta 700 001 P. K. Bhattacharya
RESERVES & SURPLUS (Annexed to and forming part of the Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 2000)
Balance Amt. transferred Addition Deductions Balance
as on from Income & during during as on
P a r t i c u l a r s 31.03.1999 Expenditure A/c. the Year the year 31.03.2000
during the year
(Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
Capital Reserve 618,860 618,860
Share Premium 3,014,597 3,014,597
Reserve for Establishment of Centre
for Training & Statistical Information
and Setting up a Library 230,715,358 132,500,000 363,215,358
Contingency Reserve 20,000,000 20,000,000
Development Fees Fund 103,575,000 2,750,000 106,325,000
General Reserve 230,000,000 30,000,000 200,000,000
Income & Expenditure Account
(As per annexed Account) 8,445,240 136,443,664 143,110,826 1,778,078
Investor Service Fund 2,974,302 10,610,826 6,924,517 6,660,611
Fund for New Stock Exchange Office Space
& Work Station including Establishment
of centre for Training and Statistical
Information and Setting up a Library 47,475,000 47,475,000
Settlement Guarantee Fund
(as per Contra in Schedule F) 176,469,451 516,732,393 693,201,844
Total 823,287,808 143,110,826 655,926,057 180,035,343 1,442,289,348
Figures for the Previous Year 642,019,554 72,399,254 188,601,923 79,732,923 823,287,808
By order of the Committee
Dated the 2nd September, 2000
For S. S. Kothari & Associates
India Steamship House Chartered Accountants
21, Old Court House Street, Calcutta 700 001 P. K. Bhattacharya
Cost Additions Deductions/ Cost
P a r t i c u l a r s as on during the Adjust. during as on
31.03.1999 year the year 31.03.2000
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Land - Freehold 415,300 415,300
Building 2,531,350 2,531,350
Tubewell 246,618 246,618
Electric Installation 18,818,911 723,394 19,542,305
Pump 93,372 19,518 112,890
Furniture & Fixtures 8,823,425 6,769,999 15,593,424
Office Equipments 4,988,665 354,987 1,966 5,341,686
Air Conditioner 8,648,057 695,083 9,343,140
Water Cooler 42,450 42,450
Lift 709,767 709,767
Motor Car 527,816 744,392 272,454 999,754
Electronic Display Board 424,102 424,102
Computer & Software 204,424,474 31,419,537 235,844,011
250,694,307 40,726,909 274,420 291,146,796
Capital Work-in-Progress 11,028,851 656,774 11,028,851 656,774
(Including advance)
Total 261,723,158 41,383,683 11,303,271 291,803,570
Figures for the previous year 248,530,594 23,646,340 10,453,776 261,723,158
By order of the Committee
P. K. Ray J. M. Choudhary
Secretary S. K. Jalan
Members of the Committee
(Annexed to and forming part of the Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 2000)
Net Value of Net
Value of
Upto For Upto Assets as on Assets as on
31.03.1999 the year Adjustment 31.03.2000 31.03.2000 31.03.1999
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
415,300 415,300
834,467 84,843 919,310 1,612,040 1,696,883
73,183 8,671 81,854 164,764 173,435
5,342,608 1,921,074 7,263,682 12,278,623 13,476,303
50,542 6,611 57,153 55,737 42,830
3,553,899 2,047,780 5,601,679 9,991,745 5,269,526
1,751,065 499,444 1,830 2,248,679 3,093,007 3,237,600
3,323,987 868,686 4,192,673 5,150,467 5,324,069
31,607 1,509 33,116 9,334 10,843
612,109 13,505 625,614 84,153 97,658
251,509 143,797 207,250 188,056 811,698 276,307
423,341 304 423,645 457 761
65,391,865 72,187,679
148,485,112 43,811,575 209,080 192,087,607 99,059,189 102,209,194
656,774 11,028,851
148,485,112 43,811,575 209,080 192,087,607 99,715,963 113,238,045
90,564,091 58,916,848 995,827 148,485,112 113,238,045 157,966,508
By order of the Committee
Dated the 2nd September, 2000 For S. S. Kothair & Associates
India Steamship House Chartered Accountant
Schedule F
P a r t i c u l a r s As on 31.03.2000 As on 31.03.1999
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
A. Current Assets :
Interest accrued but not due on
Investments / Deposits 23,767,789 8,115,549
Sundry Debtors :
a) Debts outstanding for a
period exceeding six months
From Members (Secured, 7,337,678 7,187,164
considered good)
From Others (Unsecured, 43,417,655 44,803,070
considered good) 50,755,333 51,990,234
b) Other Debts :
From Members 958,449 896,849
(Secured, considered good)
From Others ______ 958,449 265,000 1,161,849
(Unsecured, considered good) 51,713,782 53,152,083
Cash & Bank Balances :
Cash-in hand (as Certified) 62,778 18,742
Balance with scheduled Banks :
In Current Account : 175,023,944 168,875,163
In Savings Account : 1,801,597 1,808,748
In Fixed Deposits : 1,844,817,436 395,578,398
2,021,642,978 566,262,310
Deposit with Industrial Credit &
Investment Corpn. of India Ltd 55,000,000
B. Loans & Advances :
(Unsecured, Considered good) :
Tax deducted at source : 31,353,340 13,406,512
Advance to Staff : 7,624,418 6,376,950
Advance to others : 50,720,692 40,258,491
Prepaid Expenses : 430,104 457,233
90,128,554 60,499,186
By order of the Committee
P. K. Ray J. M. Choudhary
Secretary S. K. Jalan
Members of the Committee
(Annexed to and forming part of the Balance Sheet as on March, 2000)
As on 31.03.2000 As on 31.03.1999
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Members Deposit for Security &
Base Capital Requirement & Margin:
(As per Contra In Schedule "C")
In Fixed Deposit 1,400,012,774 324,199,676
In Shares & Debentures etc. 2,768,568,275 1,905,929,686
4,168,581,049 2,230,129,362
Advance to Calcutta Municipal
(Ref. No.:15 of Schedule "G") 88,000,000 88,000,000
Deposit with Turner Morrison Ltd.
(Ref. No. : 11 of Schedule "G") 20,000,000 20,000,000
Security Deposit with Others 1,804,880 1,793,880
Settlement Guarantee Fund :
(as per Contra in Schedule B)
Investment of Fund of Settlement
Guarantee Fund 206,923,967 159,142,463
Members Security Deposits in Shares
& Debentures under S.G.F. 381,750,000
Bank Balance
A/c. Settlement Guarantee Fund in UBI 912,909 33,977
Accrued Interest on Investments
of Settlement Guarantee Fund 25,478,052 2,318,079
TDS on Interest on FD (S.G.F.) 1,166,326
Accured Contribution for the
current year 76,970,590 14,974,932
693,201,844 176,469,451
Investment of Deposit Money
on A/c. Custodian
(as per contra in Schedule "C") 6,721,222 4,112,094
____________ ___________
Total 7,165,624,875 3,263,552,657
By order of the Committee
Dated the 2nd September, 2000
Information pursuant to part IV of schedule VI to the companies Act. 1956
Balance Sheet abstract and Companys general business profile.
Registration number 4707/25 for 1923-24
State Code 21
Balance sheet date 31-03-2000
Public issue NIL
Rights issue NIL
Bonus issue NIL
Private placement NIL
Total liabilities and share-holders funds Rs. 7,267,777
Total assets Rs. 7,267,777
SOURCES OF FUNDS (Excluding Current Liabilities)
Paid up capital Rs. 297
Reserves and surplus Rs. 14,422,893
Secured Loans NIL
Unsecured loans NIL
Net fixed assets Rs. 99,716
Investments Rs. 2,436
Net Current assets Rs. 958,684
Miscellaneous expenditure NIL
Accumulated losses NIL
Income Rs. 376,939
Total Expenditure Rs. 277,420
Surplus / (Shortage) before tax Rs. 99,519
Earnings per share in Rs. Rs. 84
Dividend rate % NIL
Item Code No. (ITC Code) N.A.
Product Description N.A.
Item Code No (ITC Code) N.A.
Product Description N.A.
Item Code No. (ITC Code) N.A.
Product Description N.A.