Dated: 3rd April
Members are hereby informed
that the whole time member of SEBI vides his Order No. WTM/GA/165/ERO/3/07
dated 29th March 2007, in exercise of his powers under Section 19 of
the SEBI Act, 1992 read with Regulation 13(4) of SEBI (Procedure for Holding
Enquiry by Enquiry Officer and Imposing Penalty) Regulations 2002, had issued
an order imposing a major penalty of suspension of certificate of registration
of Deepak Jhunjhunwala & Co. (Registration No. INB031070411), Member, Calcutta
Stock Exchange Association Ltd. (Business Code: 919) for a period of 6 (six)
months with effect from 19th
April 2007.
Accordingly, M/s Deepak
Jhunjhunwala & Co. shall be under suspension from 19thApril