8th December, 2009
Dealings between a client and a stock broker (trading member)
This has reference to earlier
Exchange Notices dated 19th October, 2004 & and 6th
October, 2005 regarding uniform documentary requirements relating to
registration of clients and issuance of electronic contract notes to clients
The Exchange has received a SEBI
Circular Ref. No. MIRSD/SE/Cir-19/2009, dated 3rd December, 2009 on
the captioned subject detailing further requirements in this regard. The contents of the said Circular are
reproduced below for information and implementation by the trading members.
General Manager
Market Intermediary
Regulation and Supervision Department
December 3,
Managing Directors of all Recognized Stock Exchanges
Dear Sir,
Dealings between a client and a stock broker (trading members included)
This is in continuation of circulars (a) No. SMD/SED/CIR/93/23321 dated
November 18, 1993 specifying the norms
for regulation of transactions between clients and brokers, (b) No.
SEBI/MIRSD/DPS-1/Cir-31/2004 dated August 26, 2004 specifying the model format
for the Member Clients Agreements, and (c) No. MRD/DoP/SE/Cir-20/2005 dated September
8, 2005 specifying the conditions for issuing electronic contract notes.
With a view to instill greater transparency and discipline in the dealings between
the clients and the stock brokers, it has been decided, in consultation with
Investor Associations, Secondary Market Advisory Committee of SEBI (SMAC),
market participants and major stock exchanges, that the stock brokers shall
comply with the requirements as annexed to this circular.
The stock brokers shall take necessary steps to implement this circular
immediately and
its full compliance in respect of all clients – existing or new – at the latest
by 31st March 2010.
The Stock Exchanges are directed to:
bring the provisions of this circular to the notice of the Stock Brokers and
also disseminate the same on their websites.
make necessary amendments to the relevant bye-laws, rules and regulations for the
implementation of the above decision in co-ordination with one another to achieve
uniformity in approach.
communicate to SEBI, the status of the implementation of the provisions of this
circular in their Monthly Development Reports.
This circular is issued in exercise of powers conferred under Section 11(1) of
the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 to protect the interests
of investors in securities and to
promote the development of, and to regulate the securities markets. Yours
B. N. Sahoo
Investor Associations.
relating to dealings between a Client and Stock Broker Client Registration
1. The stock broker shall register a client
by entering into an agreement with him. For this purpose, the stock broker
shall make available a folder /book containing all the documents required for
registration of a client. The folder/book shall have an index page listing all
the documents contained in it and indicating briefly significance of each
document. Once signed, a copy of the same shall be made available to the
2. The folder/book shall have two parts: (a)
Mandatory and (b) Non-mandatory.
Mandatory Documents
3. The mandatory documents are:
a. Member Client Agreement (MCA)/Tripartite
Agreement in case subbroker is associated,
b. Know Your Client (KYC) Form
c. Risk Disclosure Document (RDD)
These shall be executed in the format as
prescribed by SEBI.
4. The Client shall indicate the stock
exchange as well as the market segment where he intends his trades to be
executed. He shall do so in the KYC form in his own hand and sign against
5. The KYC form shall capture the identity
and the address of the introducer instead of his MAPIN/UID. The KYC form shall
be modified to this extent.
6. The stock broker shall have documentary
evidence of financial details provided by the clients who opt to deal in the
derivative segment. In respect of other clients, the stock broker shall obtain
the documents in accordance with its risk management system.
7. The Stock Broker shall also capture
details of action taken against a client by SEBI or other authorities during
the last 3 years.
8. There shall be a mandatory document
dealing with policies and procedures for each of the following under
appropriate headings:
a. refusal of orders for penny stocks,
b. setting up client’s exposure limits,
c. applicable brokerage rate,
d. imposition of penalty/delayed payment
charges by either party, specifying the rate and the period (This must not
result in funding by the broker in contravention of the applicable laws),
e. the right to sell clients’ securities or
close clients’ positions, without giving notice to the client, on account of
non-payment of client’s dues (This shall be limited to the extent of
settlement/margin obligation),
f. shortages in obligations arising out of
internal netting of trades,
g. conditions under which a client may not be
allowed to take further position or the broker may close the existing position
of a client,
h. temporarily suspending or closing a
client’s account at the client’s request, and
i. deregistering a client.
9. Any term or condition other than those
stated in the mandatory part shall form part of non-mandatory documents.
10. The clauses in the non-mandatory part
shall not be in contravention of any of the clauses in the mandatory documents,
as also the Rules, Regulations, Articles, Byelaws, circulars, directives and
guidelines of SEBI and Exchanges. Any such contravening clause shall be null
and void.
11. Any authorization sought in non-mandatory
part shall be a separate
document and shall have specific consent of
the client.
Running Account
12. Unless otherwise specifically agreed to
by a Client, the settlement of funds/securities shall be done within 24 hours
of the payout. However, a client may specifically authorize the stock broker to
maintain a running account subject to the following conditions:
a. The authorization shall be renewed at
least once a year and shall be dated.
b. The authorization shall be signed by the
client only and not by any authorised person on his behalf or any holder of the
Power of Attorney.
c. The authorization shall contain a clause
that the Client may revoke the authorization at any time.
d. For the clients having outstanding
obligations on the settlement date, the stock broker may retain the requisite
securities/funds towards such obligations and may also retain the funds
expected to be required to meet margin obligations for next 5 trading days,
calculated in the
manner specified by the exchanges.
e. The actual settlement of funds and
securities shall be done by the broker, at least once in a calendar quarter or
month, depending on the preference of the client. While settling the account,
the broker shall send to the client a ‘statement of accounts’ containing an
extract from the client ledger for funds and an extract from the register of
securities displaying all receipts/deliveries of funds/securities. The
statement shall also explain the retention of funds/securities and the details
of the pledge, if any.
f. The client shall bring any dispute arising
from the statement of account or settlement so made to the notice of the broker
preferably within 7 working days from the date of receipt of funds/securities
or statement, as the case may be.
g. Such periodic settlement of running
account may not be necessary: i. for clients availing margin trading facility
as per SEBI circular
ii. for funds received from the clients
towards collaterals/margin in the form of bank guarantee (BG)/Fixed Deposit
receipts (FDR).
h. The stock broker shall transfer the funds
/ securities lying in the credit of the
client within one working day of the request if the same are lying with him and
within three working days from the request if the same are lying with the
Clearing Member/Clearing Corporation.
i. There shall be no inter-client adjustments
for the purpose of settlement of the ‘running account’.
j. These conditions shall not apply to
institutional clients settling trades through custodians. The existing practice
may continue for them.
Authorization for
Electronic Contract Notes
13. The stock broker may issue electronic
contract notes (ECN) if specifically authorized by the client subject to the
following conditions:
a. The authorization shall be in writing and
be signed by the client only and not by any authorised person on his behalf or
holder of the Power of Attorney.
b. The email id shall not be created by the
broker. The client desirous of receiving ECN shall create/provide his own email
id to the stock broker.
c. The authorization shall have a clause to
the effect that that any change in the email-id shall be communicated by the
client through a physical letter to the broker. In respect of internet clients,
the request for change of email id may be made through the secured access by
way of client specific user id and password.
14. All the documents in both the mandatory
and the non-mandatory parts shall be printed in minimum font size of 11.
15. A copy of all the documents executed by
client shall be given to him, free of charge, within 7 days from the date of
execution of documents by the client. The stock broker shall take client’s acknowledgement for receipt of the
16. The stock brokers having own web-sites
shall display all the documents executed by a client, client’s position, margin
and other related information, statement of accounts, etc. in the web-site and
allow secured access by way of client-specific user id and password.
17. No term of the agreement, other than
those prescribed by SEBI, shall be changed without the consent of the client.
Such change needs to be preceded by a notice of 15 days.
18. The stock broker shall frame the policy
regarding treatment of inactive accounts which should, inter-alia, cover
aspects of time period, return of client assets and procedure for reactivation
of the same. It shall display the same on its web site, if any.
19. As on 31st March of every year, a
statement of balance of Funds and Securities in hard form and signed by the
broker shall be sent to all the clients.
Members are requested to take
note of the above guidelines of SEBI and are advised to ensure compliance with
the requirements prescribed as above.
DGM (Surveillance)