28th August 2009
Members are hereby informed that in the matter of summary proceedings against the brokers who defaulted in payment of registration fees, the Whole Time Member of SEBI, in exercise of his powers under Section 19 read with Regulation 33B(5) and (6) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Intermediaries) Regulations 2008, vide his Order No. WTM/MSS/MIRSD/11/2009 dated 10th August 2009, had suspended the certificate of registration of 578 stock brokers (list of which is available in the website of the Exchange), for a period of 6 (six) months or till the time the outstanding registration fees is fully paid, whichever is later. Consequently, the certificates of registration of these stockbrokers as sub brokers of subsidiaries of Stock Exchanges in terms of Para 2 of the Circular No. SMD-II/POLICY/CIR-37/99 dated November 26, 1999 also shall remain suspended.
Accordingly, M/s K. Prasad & Co., SEBI Registration No. INB 030037614, shall be under suspension from 1st September 2009 for a period of 6(six) months or till the time the outstanding registration fees is fully paid, whichever is later.
Manager (Surveillance)