30th September 2014





Sub: Amendments to SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2009 -Increasing the investment bucket for anchor investor and regulations concerning the preferential issue norms



To all listed companies


Attention of all listed companies of the Calcutta Stock Exchange is drawn to SEBI Circular Ref. No. CIR/CFD/POLICYCELL/6/2014 dated  11th September 2014 (copy available at CSE web-site at www.cse-india.com and SEBI web-site at www.sebi.gov.in) wherein The new and revised regulations under Chapter VII viz. Regulations 71A, 76,76A and 76B on preferential issue, shall be applicable for the preferential issuances where notice for the general meeting for passing of special resolution by the shareholders is issued on or after the date of notification of SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements)(Second Amendment) Regulations, 2014.


In view of the above, all listed companies of CSE are advised to strictly adhere and comply with the recent amendment.



M.A.V. Raju

General Manager