31st December 2014
Sub: Redressal of Investor Grievances through SEBI
complaints Redress System (SCORES) platform
To all listed companies
of all listed companies of the Calcutta Stock Exchange is drawn to SEBI
Circular Ref. No. CIR/OIAE/1/2014, dated 18th December
2014 (copy available at SEBI web-site at www.sebi.gov.in and also at CSE web-site at www.cse-india.com)
wherein all newly listed companies and SEBI registered intermediaries were
advised to send their details as per Form-A and Form- B annexed to this
Circular, to SEBI both in hard copy and softcopy through e-mail to scores@sebi.gov.in
to obtain SCORES user id and password immediately within a period of one month
from the date of listing.
view of the above, all listed companies of CSE are advised to strictly adhere
and comply with the captioned Circular.
M.A.V. Raju
General Manager