28th October 2016
Exclusively listed companies of De-recognized / Non-operational/exited Stock
Exchanges placed in the Dissemination Board (DB)
To all listed
Attention of all listed companies
of the Calcutta Stock Exchange is drawn to SEBI Circular Ref. No. SEBI/HO/MRD/DSA/CIR/P/2016/110 dated October 10, 2016
(copy available at CSE web-site at www.cse-india.com
and SEBI web-site at www.sebi.com) wherein
“d. Procedure to provide exit
to investors:
In order to protect the interest of all
shareholders of such ELCs, an exit mechanism to investors of such ELCs shall be
as prescribed in Annexure-A to this circular. Accordingly, all ELCs shall be
required to ensure compliance with the procedure for exit. The oversight and
monitoring of such exit mechanism shall be carried out by the designated stock
i. Designated stock exchanges shall further ensure
that the promoters have made adequate efforts in terms of the above provisions
for providing exit to their shareholders before removing ELCs from the DB.
ii. The designated stock exchange shall display the
list of companies willing to provide exit to their investors on their website
on a monthly basis.”
This is for information for all listed companies of CSE.
CS Chandrani Datta