30th November 2016





Sub: Continuous disclosures and compliances by InvITs


To all Infrastructure Investment Trusts (InvITs)



Attention of such aforesaid trusts is drawn to SEBI Circular Ref. No. CIR/IMD/DF/127/2016 dated November 29, 2016 (copy available at CSE web-site at www.cse-india.com and SEBI web-site at www.sebi.com) wherein


“InvIT shall enter into a simplified listing agreement, with all the Stock Exchanges where it proposes to list its units, in line with the format as specified under the SEBI Circular No. CIR/CFD/CMD/6/2015 dated October 13, 2015 on “Format of Uniform Listing Agreement.”



This is for information.




CS Chandrani Datta
