(Letter to be given by the member on their letterhead for switch over from Fastrade to ODIN)










The Calcutta Stock Exchange Limited

7, Lyons Range

Kolkata –700 001



Sub:  Letter for switch over from Fastrade to ODIN to trade in BSE-NSE Platforms through CSE.



Dear Sir,


This is to inform you that I/we would like to switch over from Fastrade to ODIN multi exchange trading solution to trade in BSE/NSE/Both Platforms. I authorize CSE to debit Rs.1499/Rs.1999 per segment per terminal per year towards ODIN front-end Software charges from my clearing account. The following Fastrade Ids are currently used by me, which would be deactivated after the activation of ODIN terminals for me.

(Charges: Rs.1999/- for one segment only and Rs.1499/- for two or more segments)


Sl.No.         Member-Code            Member Name                                       Fastrade Login-Id






No. of ODIN Terminal required:

No. of Segments Required terminalwise:       BSE Cash:

                                                                        BSE F&O:

                                                                        NSE Cash:

                                                                        NSE F&O:


Odin Admin Module is FREE (one admin Id/member).


Thanking You,


Yours Faithfully,




(Signature of the Member)